Islamicus Journal of Religious and Social Studies2024-05-04T20:01:56+00:00Editor Mirpurislamiceditormirpurislamicus@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Mirpur Islamicus Journal of Religious and Social Studies, a distinguished and peer-reviewed Biennial research journal that is committed to exploring and disseminating scholarly research in the fields of religious studies, social sciences, and their intersections. Our journal provides a dynamic platform for academics, scholars, and researchers to contribute to the understanding of religious traditions and their impact on societies around the world.At Mirpur Islamicus Journal of Religious and Social Studies, our mission is to facilitate rigorous academic research and critical discourse on topics related to religious traditions, social phenomena, and the interplay between them. We encourage diverse perspectives and approaches that shed light on the complexities of religious and social issues. We invite scholars, researchers, and academics from diverse backgrounds to become part of our scholarly community. Whether you are a seasoned expert or an emerging scholar, our journal provides a forum for your research and insights to reach a global audience.We are excited to embark on this intellectual journey and eagerly anticipate receiving your submissions. Through the pages of our journal, we aim to advance the dialogue on religious and social studies, exploring the intricate tapestry of human beliefs and societies.</p> OBJECTIVES, PROCEDURES AND ITS EFFECTIVENESS IN THE LIGHT OF THE SEERAH2024-05-04T16:04:56+00:00Parveen Faqir Muhammadaqsaqureshi@gmail.comDr. Abdul Rashid Qadri drirrc2010@gmail.comAhmad Saeed<p>The history of accountability is as old as that of man himself. "Accountability of one's children, family, society and past and future generations are the scopes of this process from which no individual is exempt. When Iblis disobeyed the command of Allaah, he was obeyed. Since time immemorial, when these scriptures continued to be distorted and edited, the process of accountability also slowed down, and in almost all religions, such sections came into existence which began to consider themselves above accountability and the distortion and amendment gave them a lot of protection. The system of thought and action that Islam has given to the world of humanity is perfect in every respect. Accountability is also a part of this system. It is clear from Islamic teachings that the establishment of collective justice is impossible without absolute accountability. In the beginning, the person of the Holy Prophet was the center of the system of justice and accountability. There were also judges. The combination of these two responsibilities within the comprehensive and multifaceted position of Prophet Hood is another beautiful aspect of the completeness and comprehensiveness of the benefactor of humanity <strong>ﷺ</strong>. The objectives, procedures and effectiveness of accountability will be mentioned in the light of the Prophet's life so that the issues of accountability can be improved from a modern perspective.</p>2023-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 IN OPRATION “ZARB E AZB” IN THELIGHT OF THE CONDUCT OF THE PROPHET2024-05-04T16:43:22+00:00Habib Ur Rehman Yazdani aqsaqureshi@gmail.comDr. Zeenat Haroon Hafiza Saman Sarwar<p>Ethics refers to the branch of philosophy that deals with questions about morality, principles of right and wrong behavior, and the ethical considerations that guide human conduct. It involves the study of moral values, principles, and norms that govern individual and collective behavior, as well as the justification and application of ethical theories to various practical dilemmas and situations. Ethics plays a crucial role in shaping individual behavior, interpersonal relationships, and societal norms. The ethical teachings of Islam are derived from the Quran, the Hadith (sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad), and the interpretations of Islamic scholars. Ethics in Islam encompasses various aspects of moral conduct, virtues, and principles that guide Muslims in leading righteous lives and contributing to the betterment of society. For converting war into “Jihad”, The Prophet gave detailed instructions and also provided practical examples in actual conduct. Tackling with wave of terrorism, Pakistan security forces have conducted a number of Military operations from area to area seeking and destroying the Militants along with their hideouts. After a series of counter terror strikes, the final blow to terrorists took place in the form of Operation “Zarb e Azb”. The current paper is dedicated towards studding the review of ethics in operation “Zarb e Azb” in the light of the conduct of the Prophet.</p>2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 KEY ROLE OF DISTRIBUTORS IN COLLECTION AND MANAGEMENT OF ZAKAT2024-05-04T17:14:31+00:00Muhammad Imran Khan Tahir Muhammad Akram ul<p>Islam provides the complete code of life. The Social, Political Economic and ethical rights of all creatures have been guaranteed by the Islam. It is said that poverty is a curse. In order to remove poverty form society, the Islamic economic system offers the principle of Zakat. In order to provide easiness to human being. The Zakat system of Islam play a significant role in promoting the standard of social and economic life of human being. Zakat is the basic pillar of Islamic belief. Zakat means the wealth in a definite proportion collected from those who afford and spent on poor and needy. The Zakat is an ideal economic system and has great significance and impact in eradication of poverty from society. The efficient collection and management of Zakat, an obligatory charity in Islam, is pivotal in addressing socio-economic inequalities and alleviating poverty within Muslim communities. Distributors serve as intermediaries between donors and beneficiaries, responsible for the collection, assessment, and equitable distribution of Zakat funds. Distributors play a vital role in collecting and managing Zakat, serving as custodians of Zakat resources and enablers of social justice and solidarity within Muslim communities. Their efficient and transparent operation is essential for maximizing the impact of Zakat funds and fulfilling the ethical imperative of caring for the less fortunate in society. The article throws light on the role of persons responsible for collection of Zakat (Aamaleen). The article reflects how to collect, administered, mange, distribute and save the amount of Zakat. It further explain how to provide easiness to those who are landing Zakat and how to manage and making planning for the same.</p>2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM A PHENOMENON THAT PRIMARILY OCCURRED IN THE PAST OR ONE THAT PERSISTS IN THE PRESENT2024-05-04T17:41:16+00:00Sundas Malik sundasmalik92@gmail.comBareera Nazir Bareeraqau@gmail.comDr. Muhammad Asif Ayub<p class="EnglishQuotation" style="text-align: justify; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; margin: 0in .3in .0001pt .5in;">In recent years, there has been a significant emphasis on the topic of religious fanaticism. This phenomenon is sometimes depicted as a pressing global issue with potentially extensive consequences. While it is widely acknowledged that extremism can be observed among various religious communities, the matter regarding its extent, impact, and its classification as a worldwide catastrophe is a complex subject. Within the scope of this study, our objective is to examine the phenomenon of religious extremism, scrutinize its defining characteristics, and assess its veracity as a genuine reality, while also considering the possibility of exaggeration and sensationalism. To achieve this objective, we will analyze case studies, delve into historical context, and evaluate relevant statistics, all while considering the broader sociopolitical factors that shape this story.</p>2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SYSTEM OF HAZRAT UMAR FAROOQ (R.A) IN WELFARE STATE AND COMPERETIVE ANAYLYSIS OF GOVERNANCE SYSTEM IN PAKISTAN AS AN IDEOLOGICAL STATE2024-05-04T18:32:39+00:00Dr. Muhammad Asif Ayub drasifayub@gmail.comHabib Ur Rehman habiburrehman640@gmail.comSadaf Butt<p class="EnglishQuotation" style="text-align: justify; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; margin: 0in .3in .0001pt .5in;">Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A), the 2<sup>nd</sup> Caliph of Islamic state at Madina-tul-Rasool has an honor in East and West irrespective of any exaggerations as the supreme person; who remained triumphant in lading foundations of real welfare state in Islamic ascendancy. During his governmental epoch people were self-sufficient and self-contained in basic necessities and; Zakaat paying people were incessantly in rummage around of Zakaat collectors. During the 10 years of his government; justice for all and equality before law was frequent for all irrespective of any societal favoritism. In comparative analysis of religion the key authors of the world either Muslims or Non-Muslims accepted the myth of certainty that the whole Europe came out from darks and evils appropriate to the administrative and governance strategies and decisions of Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A). Islamic Republic of Pakistan is an ideological state and our ideology is the ideology of Islam. Millions of people forfeit sacrifices for the sake of an independent sovereign ideological state with Islamic system of governance. If; the world is recognizing Hazrat Umar Farooq an enormous leader of welfare state than; how much guidance, assistance and counseling is being taken by the decision taking authorities in Pakistan from the governance and administration of Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A)? This article is an attempt to have a comparative analysis of the system of governance of Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) and the governance system of Pakistan in the paradigm of Ideological perspectives.</p>2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 القضايا التي ناقشها ديدات في مؤلفاته 2024-05-04T19:25:15+00:00Dr. Naqeebullah abuhamza129@yahoo.comSaad<p>Ahmad Deedat is a South African Muslim thinker, preacher, scholar and writer. He is one of the 20th century religious scholars known for his writings on world religion/comparative studies. Through his writing, preaching and sermons, he rejected false doubts and false thoughts related to Islam, and also played a very important role in the promotion and development of Islam. He exhorted the people to be imbued with Islamic ideals and thoughts and to adopt Islamic rites. Ahmad Deedat through his writings has discussed the comparative aspects between Islam and other religions, especially Christianity, in which he talks about the reasons for the superiority of Islam along with the concepts, scriptures and their reality of the religions. Ahmad Deedat has defended Islam in an excellent manner by removing the misunderstandings and criticisms related to Islamic ideas and thoughts. He has been actively involved with non-Muslims to spread the message of Islam, remove misunderstandings and promote understanding. He has been actively involved with non-Muslims to spread the message of Islam, clear misunderstandings and promote understanding. He has eloquently discussed contemporary issues that could have influenced and swayed Muslims, such as social justice, challenges facing Muslim communities, etc. How Ahmad Deedat highlighted these issues in his writings and books and how he defended Islamic beliefs and highlighted the importance of Islamic teachings, as well as how he tried to disprove the views of the opponents. In view of the importance of the topic below, the issues discussed in Ahmed Deeddat's works and writings will be highlighted.</p>2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MOTIVES FOR DISOBEYING THE TEACHINGS OF THE HOLY PROPHETS IN THE PRESENT AGE2024-05-04T20:01:56+00:00Dr. Nasir Ali Khan Muhammad Rizwan Mansoor Rasheed<p>The God has set rules and regulations for humanity to achieve the consciousness of living and the meaningful goals of life. For the practical implementation of these rules and regulations and to be aware of them, he appointed selected persons from among humanity. While he preached to the people about the commandments of Allah, he also made them aware of the practical aspects of observing these commandments in the practical field. The teachings of the prophets prevent humanity from strengthening its relationship with the Lord, humility, disobedience, justice, and division of humanity into different classes on the basis of moral, linguistic and geographical aspects. Teaches to highlight and lead a purposeful life. Generalization of social justice, exploitation of the weak, environmental degradation and attributes Jamila advocates. The purpose of these teachings is to strengthen the relationship of humanity with the Lord of the Universe and to carry out such matters that will lead to success and salvation, but people reject the teachings of the Prophets because of their worldly benefits. Started pouring. One of the factors and motivations for rejecting the teachings of the Prophets is political motivation, in this, the teachings of the Prophets are not followed to consolidate political power and gain interests. Therefore, the political motivations for ignoring the teachings of the Prophets in the present era are briefly reviewed.</p>2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024